Termini e Condizioni per l'utilizzo dei Siti e dell'App Metodo Ongaro®

Terms and Conditions for using the Metodo Ongaro® Websites and App


The following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) are applicable to all users and visitors (hereafter referred to as “Users”) of the websites https://www.metodo-ongaro.com and https://store.metodo-ongaro.com (hereinafter the “Sites”), which are owned by the company Metodo Ongaro Switzerland S.A., located at Via Lugano 18, CH-6982 Agno, VAT ID CHE 496.146.724 (hereafter referred to as the “Company”). Users agree to be bound by these Terms provided by the Company while using the Sites and/or the “Metodo Ongaro” app. Users are prohibited from accessing the Sites through a browser that inherently or through additional applications blocks the advertisements displayed on the Sites.

Users must be at least 18 years old to register on our Sites. Should this age requirement not be met, registration cannot be accepted. In instances where the age requirement is disregarded, the Company bears no responsibility for any registrations, actions, or omissions that follow.

For any questions or information regarding the Terms, please reach out to us via email at supporto@metodo-ongaro.com 

  1. How the Websites, App, and Portal Operate

1.1.     While we implement cutting-edge and appropriate technological solutions to ensure our Sites remain consistently accessible and operational, we cannot guarantee that they, or any of their content, services, or features, will be error-free, uninterrupted, free from viruses or harmful effects, compatible with any hardware or software, or that any defects will be corrected. Explicitly excluded remains any commitment of the Company to further develop the functionalities of the Sites.

1.2.     The Company reserves the right to suspend or modify, in part or in whole, the operation and content of the Sites and/or Portal at any time.

1.3.     The Company reserves the right to halt or cease the functionalities of the Sites and/or Portal at any given moment.

  1. Liability Disclaimer

2.1.     The Company is not liable to Users for any amounts for any reason (including damages and compensation) connected with the use or inability to use the Sites, including any potential service interruptions or errors on the Sites.

2.2.     The Company bears no responsibility whatsoever for any statements or content posted by Users.

2.3.     The Company does not offer any advisory services regarding the educational needs of Users in relation to the video courses. As a result, the responsibility for ensuring the alignment between the educational content and the User's requirements falls entirely on the Buyer.

2.4.     The information provided on the Sites and through the products available for purchase is intended purely for educational purposes. While our products and services offer guidance on health and wellness, it's important to note that Metodo Ongaro Switzerland SA does not offer medical advice or therapeutic recommendations. Such guidance should never replace the direct relationship between a healthcare professional and their patient. Therefore, we always recommend consulting with your primary care physician or a specialist for personalized advice.

2.5.     Metodo Ongaro Switzerland S.A. unequivocally disclaims any liability for adverse effects resulting from the utilization or misuse of the information found on the Sites and in the products available for purchase through the Sites.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1.     All industrial and intellectual property rights related to software, algorithms, interfaces, texts, and any other materials or content on the Sites are the exclusive property of the Company or third parties. The use of said materials and content in no way grants the User any rights to property or usage. By way of illustration but not limitation, this provision includes texts, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, characters and fonts, audio files, digital content, and data compilations.

3.2.     As a result, the use and reproduction of any and all content associated with the Company in any form are strictly prohibited. Any infringement will be pursued in accordance with current laws, and the Company reserves the right to terminate the User's Account should they infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the Company or any third party.

3.3.     Metodo Ongaro® is a registered trademark exclusively owned by the Company.

  1. Sign Up Process

4.1.     Site access is exclusively reserved for registered Users. To join, Users must set up an account on the Site, ensuring all provided information is accurate and complete; failure to comply may lead to account termination by the Company. Users are tasked with the critical responsibility of protecting their account passwords and overseeing account activity. In the event of any account discrepancies or breaches, it is crucial that Users promptly notify the Company for immediate action.

4.2.     The User solely bears the responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy, and authenticity of the data and documents provided. Registering on the Sites is both voluntary and free of charge.

4.3.     Users are obligated to keep their credentials confidential and to take all necessary precautions to ensure their privacy and security.

4.4.     The Company retains the authority to suspend or terminate a User's Account at any time, should there be any infringement upon third-party rights, breach of these Terms, or violation of applicable laws.

4.5.     Users have the flexibility to terminate their Account at any given time for any reason by following the process outlined in the designated section of the Sites.

4.6.     In the event that a User decides to withdraw or if the Account is otherwise closed, any orders that have already been placed through the Portal and confirmed by the Company will be fulfilled, and any subscriptions made through the Portal will remain active until they naturally expire.

  1. Conduct on the Websites and App

5.1.     When utilizing the Websites, Users are not permitted to:

5.1.1. Engaging in behavior that causes harm to individuals or violates societal norms;

5.1.2. Infringing upon others' intellectual and industrial property rights;

5.1.3. Transmitting content with viruses or any other programs that could harm the Sites or potentially be passed on to other Users;

5.1.4. Distributing unauthorized advertisements or emails, participating in sweepstakes, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar endeavors;

5.1.5. Using the Sites for purposes other than those expressly permitted, including but not limited to, advertising promotions of products or services, whether they are your own or belong to third parties.

5.2       Users are obliged to act in good faith and, in particular, to:

5.2.1   refrain from transferring account, products, and services to others.

5.2.2   carry out course viewing activities and service utilization personally;

5.2.3  purchase tickets for live events and streaming for personal enjoyment only and not for resale.

5.3   Users agree to indemnify the Company from all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges, and expenses (including legal fees) that may be incurred as a result of any failure to fulfill obligations accepted by the User upon agreeing to these Terms, as well as any issues linked to the input of information on the Sites. This includes, but is not limited to, scenarios involving claims for damages made by third parties for any reason. Users also absolve the Company of any responsibility in instances of complaints, legal actions, government or administrative proceedings, losses, or damages arising from the use of the Services offered in a manner that is contrary to good faith and/or illegal, whether conducted by the User themselves, individuals associated with the User, or any third parties in general.

  1. Protecting Minors

6.1       The Company does not offer or extend its services to individuals under the age of 18, and it deliberately refrains from collecting any information from minors.

6.2       Should you find any aspect of our Sites to be offensive or disrespectful in any manner, we urge you to contact us immediately. This will allow us to thoroughly examine the reported concerns and, if necessary, address them as swiftly as possible.

  1. Privacy 

7.1       Personal data is collected with the objective of registering the User and initiating the necessary procedures for these terms and conditions, along with the requisite communications. Such data is processed electronically in compliance with current laws and may only be displayed upon request from judicial authorities or other legally authorized entities.

7.2       For comprehensive details concerning the processing of personal data, please refer to our detailed privacy policy available at the following link https://www.metodo-ongaro.com/en/informativa-privacy

  1. Products and Services Available for Purchase on the Websites

8.1       The Company offers the following products and services for sale through its Sites:

1. Video Courses online and in streaming;
2. Access to in-person courses.

8.2   Discover the general and specific terms for our products and services by following this link:

  1. Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions governing the use of the Sites are subject to and construed in accordance with Swiss law.


Last updated on February 1, 2023