
For several years, Filippo has been a widely followed and esteemed author. His extensive collection of books has significantly impacted countless individuals, inspiring them to transform their lifestyles and enhance their well-being.

Many of his publications have achieved bestseller and longseller status, making their way into official sales rankings and reaching hundreds of thousands of readers.


For several years, Filippo has been a widely followed and esteemed author. His extensive collection of books has significantly impacted countless individuals, inspiring them to transform their lifestyles and enhance their well-being.

Many of his publications have achieved bestseller and longseller status, making their way into official sales rankings and reaching hundreds of thousands of readers.

Mission Longevity

Sperling & Kupfer
March 2023

"Mission Longevity" aims to deliver a holistic and scientific perspective on cultivating and enhancing a healthy lifespan.

Today's true challenge is not simply to add moments to our lives, but to enrich every moment with optimal health and mental well-being.

This isn’t about a longevity born out of fear of disease and death but rather about the joy of living!

In this book, Ongaro presents his readers with a unique and comprehensive approach, outlining eight practical paths focused on cellular protection, weight management, muscle maintenance, physical and mental enhancement, memory, and resilience. These are solid strategies, already benefiting thousands, designed to safeguard health and extend the quality of life far into the future.


Choices and Challenges

Sperling & Kupfer
September 2021

How to navigate each stage of life and bring out the best in oneself.

From childhood to old age, life is often a maze, a series of choices sometimes made with little awareness and moments of brilliant insight. It's about the challenges we tackle with fervor or let slip through our fingers due to fear.

This book serves as a compass for navigating the various stages of life, offering not just queries but also profound reflections and key takeaways to carry along the journey. 

The latest offering from the Coach who employs scientific knowledge to best confront life's challenges and find peace amidst the internal storm.



Strong as the Water

Sperling & Kupfer
September 2020

Sometimes, we feel as though something is holding us back in life, yet we can't pinpoint what it is.

Through six transformative steps, this book empowers each individual to unleash their unique and extraordinary potential, to break free from constraints and limitations, to stand tall during challenging times, and to take control of their life with a burst of new ideas, conviction, and love.

Flexible and unstoppable like water, we can navigate around obstacles and barriers, uncovering the strength that resides within us all.


The Metodo Ongaro

Sperling & Kupfer
September 2019

The code for transforming yourself inside and out, rooted in a scientific method and the extensive medical background, field data, and current coaching endeavors of Filippo Ongaro. Each of us has the potential for an extraordinary life by cultivating the right mindset and enhancing our internal resources.

This means achieving high performance, a state that isn't just for athletes, astronauts, or top executives but for everyone.

With this book, it's as if Filippo is right there beside you, offering advice on diet, nutraceuticals, physical activity, and inner work, all organized into an 8-week program.


Living Life to the Fullest

Roi Edizioni
June 2017

We all know that broccoli is better for us than french fries and that exercising is healthier than watching TV. Yet, only a few of us manage to make a real change.

We're living longer, yet we fall ill sooner and in many instances, our lives are neither joyful nor brimming with vitality—just lengthier.

A comprehensive system of tools, insights, and practices designed to enhance health and achieve a higher level of personal satisfaction, well-being, and psychophysical performance.

An approach that Filippo Ongaro has long employed, merging personal change strategies inherent in strategic coaching with the latest scientific knowledge in neuroscience and behavioral psychology.


Up to a Century of Life

Ponte delle Grazie
May 2016

Unlike traditional medicine, which typically intervenes after a disease has manifested, anti-aging medicine focuses on slowing down the aging process through prevention, thus delaying the decline of the human body. The aim is not merely to extend life but to enhance the quality of life. This challenge demands substantial effort and sacrifice, involving every aspect of an individual: from strict biological factors like diet and physical activity, to the inner and spiritual dimensions.

This approach can be seen as holistic, yet it stands apart from alternative medicine or new age practices: cutting-edge scientific findings support the notion that aging does not inherently mean decline and suffering. By dedicating ourselves to self-care, we can aspire to reach a century of life, living fully and to the best of our abilities.


To Diet or Not to Diet

Ponte delle Grazie
June 2014

The authors of this book, overseen by Giorgio Nardone and Elisa Valteroni, usher in a groundbreaking perspective that shifts away from miraculous diets and calorie fixation towards a nutrition plan and, more importantly, a lifestyle that honors our metabolic health and psychological balance.

Though their methods may vary, the collective insights from nutritionists, psychologists, and therapists featured in this volume share a holistic view of humanity, emphasizing the profound connection between mind and body [...].

Among the notable contributors to this book is Dr. Ongaro, who has penned the opening chapter entitled "The Role of Food in Human Evolution: From Scarcity to Excess. Impact on Health and Future Outlooks."


Genuine Well-being

June 2014

Chasing after the illusion of fleeting, intense gratifications, we've come to view our well-being as just another accessory to toss into our wardrobe and forget.

Yet, achieving genuine contentment, and finding our place in the world, serves both as the foundation and the ultimate goal of our existence.

This pivotal book delves beyond mere symptoms, exploring the deep-seated causes of a disbalance that is primarily mental and emotional, rather than physical. It offers readers an exhaustive guide to cultivating a healthy, fulfilling life. More than just diet, supplements, and beauty, or even exercise and relaxation, it presents a comprehensive plan designed to weave all these aspects into a practical and effective program that becomes the cornerstone of our lives.


Eating make us Beautiful

April 2013

Beyond the myriad of foods we already recognize for their health benefits, there are superfoods and supplements with the astonishing capability to positively impact our body, restoring vitality, beauty, and wellness.

Drawing from real-life examples, this book presents comprehensive strategies to effectively tackle the most widespread beauty hurdles, offering clear explanations on the root causes of these imperfections, immediate self-care measures one can adopt, the most beneficial superfoods, and the essential questions to pose to a healthcare provider.

For each issue, a thoughtfully curated menu complete with simple, yet delicious recipes serves as the initial step in moving from theory to action.


The Health Investment

Settember 2012

Chasing after the illusion of fleeting yet intense gratifications, we often treat our wellness as just another item to be tossed into our wardrobe and forgotten.

Yet, to be well, and to thrive in the world, is both the reason and the purpose of our existence.

This significant book goes beyond merely addressing symptoms, delving into the deep-seated causes of an imbalance that is mental and emotional long before it becomes physical. It provides readers with a comprehensive guide to living a healthy, fulfilling life. It’s not just about diet, supplements, and beauty, nor solely about exercise and relaxation, but rather a holistic approach to blending all these aspects into a practical and effective program that becomes a cornerstone of our lives.


Eat to Slim Down

April 2012

Amidst the swamp of murky and jumbled information, one fact remains crystal clear: we continue to gain weight.

It's time to bring some order to the chaos. The reality is far more complex than the oversimplified narratives we've been fed. The uncomfortable truth we must urgently face is that something fundamental has broken in the delicate balance between our metabolism and our environment. This rift can be traced back to our diet: overly processed, overly caloric, and lacking in nutrients. Only a scientific approach can guide us back to the lost equilibrium and help us shed weight permanently. This book, complete with a practical weekly healthy menu, delicious recipes, and a wealth of practical advice, reveals that choosing to lose weight is not just about looking slimmer and more attractive. It's a critical priority for our health, a safeguard for our lives.


Eat Your Way to Health

April 2011

The latest advancements in genomics teach us that food is far more than just fuel; it plays a significantly larger role by "communicating" with our bodies, sending signals of either health or illness. Scientifically, over the past few decades, it has become unmistakably clear not only how the modern diet impacts us negatively but also how natural foods have preventive and even therapeutic effects.

It has been unveiled that the substances found in food possess the remarkable ability to interact with our genes, thereby influencing cellular responses. This fascinating field is known as nutrigenomics, a revolutionary discipline that is transforming our perception of food. It equips us with the knowledge to leverage nutrients to "repair" our biological foundation, preventing diseases from taking hold and promoting the blossoming of health.
